10 Unexpected Reasons to Get a Dog

When I got my dog Senbei, it felt like an enormous risk because I thought it was going to be a huge burden to have to take care of him. I realized taking care of him is easy and what he adds to life is absolutely immeasurable.


1.People will smile at you on the street.         


You see a lot of disgruntled faces walking around Tokyo but when they see Senbei, even the grumpiest looking elderly ladies will light up and show you the sweetest version of themselves.

2. You can use your dog as an excuse to get out of anything.      

You need to get home early to walk your dog, you can’t make it because you have to take your dog to the vet, the options are endless. Your dog won’t tell anyone, and everyone will think you’re just a responsible parent, which you are.

3. Dogs will always make you laugh.


Senbei learned to turn my floor light on and off using the button that sits on the ground. His confusion of how he was controlling the lighting and mine of why the lights were suddenly being quickly switched on and off was too funny.

4. You won’t ever have a bug problem.

Senbei is a master of finding any small moving thing so if you’re having trouble following the mosquito that has been flying around your house, your dog will track it down for you, no problem.


5. You’ll be healthier.

Going on walks with your dog, or runs if your ambitious, will keep you healthy and they’ll keep a close eye on how much you’re snacking which will help you be more aware too.


6. You’ll know all the best spots in your neighbourhood.

There are so many great spots: coffee shops, record shops, clothing stores, tart cafes, hidden restaurants, plant stores around my neighbourhood that I would have never known about unless I had been walking around with Senbei.

7. Dogs will make you a humbler and more tolerant person.

Picking up dog poop every day and accepting that your socks will continuously get stolen will definitely center you and help you exercise extreme levels of humility.


8. You’ll always have someone to comfort you and keep you company.

I am never bored when I’m with Senbei. He’ll react to movies we watch together, he’ll get really into the music we listen to, he’ll snuggle up to me while I read or do work especially when he senses I’m stressed, and he’ll follow me everywhere in the house. Everywhere.

9. You’ll be protected against anything.   

Senbei will bark and scare away anyone that comes to the door or balcony and any ghosts that he senses in the room, so I always feel safe sleeping. Even when I’m not home, I’ll know when he’s protecting the house from something because my Furbo will tell me.

10. Your house will stay somewhat clean.

When you have a dog, you’ll quickly realize you can’t leave certain items out because your they might get to them. Senbei likes to find tissues, masks, and dirty socks laying around so I’ve gotten much prompter and more assertive about cleaning up and I enjoy a more minimalist lifestyle thanks to him.

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Minimalist House Plants