8 steps for moving
I love the complete fresh start moving gives you. You get a great excuse to thoroughly declutter, which cleanses both your physical and mental space. In my next place I want to only have things I like looking at such as art, plants and cool electrical appliances.
So, here’s my two-week method I'm going through to make my next space the most calming and beautiful space for optimal levels of happiness.
1. Put on some music, make a nice drink, and enjoy the process! This is a pivotal moment, make sure you make the most of it!
2. Dig deep in one room at a time but start small. I started in my toilet room with the cabinets, then I did my bathroom starting with the drawers. I had bags of old cosmetics I finallyyy dealt with.
3. Separate all your things into four piles: now, later, give, garbage. In other words, what I need until I move, what I need but not imminently, what I don't need but could give away/sell, and garbage.
4. Say goodbye! Be strict when deciding what to keep and what to give up. If you have memories with something but don't see it in your next space, take a picture, show gratitude, and say goodbye. My rule for clothes is if I haven't worn it in the past year then I'll never wear it.
One of my model houses. Goodbyee
5. Next work on the big things-furniture. Imagine what you want your next place to look/feel like. Maybe think about a place you've been to before that had an atmosphere that spoke to you. Then, when deciding about each piece you have, mentally check if it matches with what you imagined. If it does, awesome, keep it. If not, give thanks, say osewaninarimashita and send it on its way to its next home.
6. Take pictures of everything you want to give away/sell and post it/send it to friends/family so they can claim what they want and give it to them. Both the person you give to and the item you give will be happy. Post the rest to sell. Use Mercari for things you want to get money for (be prepared for bargaining), and Jimoty for things you just need to get rid of (I'll usually post it for free).
7. Make an excel sheet for what you plan to get rid of and what you plan to buy. Check that you’re happy with the balance of the number of things you’re buying vs. getting rid of and earning vs spending.
8. Make a list of your remaining todos. Here are some basics:
Set up internet in your next place
Call all your utilities to tell them you're moving
File the tenkyotodoke (転居届) at the post office or online with e転居
Get curtains
Ask any available friends for help on moving day